Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lets call this one Karma ;)

I'm pretty sure no one reads this anyway, and since its-again- MY blog im going to vent.

Urban Dictionary describes 'Karma' as a Smackdown of the Gods. I have to fully agree, this is my favorite definition for the word.

Its been a rough few months and especially this past week but in the end, justice is -somewhat- served.

A few months ago my 'Sister-in-law' left my mothers house completely in disarray leaving my mother with an insane amount of work to do on the house, they are still treating the house for cockroaches and fleas, then after that's finally done-whenever that will be- she'll have to spend several more months just fixing the place.

This past week i woke up to my son panicking because my Mother-in-law was having such a bad asthma attack that i needed to call an ambulance for her. 
That same day my husbands close friend was in a car accident where he flipped and totaled his car landing himself in the hospital.
A few days later, after my MIL was still in the hospital and the friend had been staying with us so we could 'help' take care of him, my husband goes to the Drs. because of his back problems.

*Little bit of back story: Jeremy had a herniated disk and went in for surgery 3 years ago, found out it was more of an exploded disk and it was 3 not just 1 that ended up being Removed. He's still having serious problems.

The doctor is concerned about the fact that he's gained more weight then should normally be gained after having the surgery and thinks its due to a heart condition, though we wont know anything until after he goes for lab work on Monday. He has to go through Physical Therapy and Pain Management (where he'll have to endure a steroid injection into the spine).

But the justice that was served (slightly) was when i received a phone call stating that ONE of the people who wrecked my mothers house was Arrested. *sigh of relief* Now I'm not usually one who would be happy about such things BUT my sister in law has a way of ruining.....everything and never having to pay the consequences. I thought for sure they would walk away from this unscathed. But they didn't, or at least her husband didn't. Yes, as far as i know he is out of jail now, BUT the fact that he went makes me feel like SOMETHING was done right. at least its a start.
People shouldn't be able to get away with trashing someone else's house.  Or the millions of other wrongs they have done and gotten away with. So, as someone who has had Karma bitchslap them time and time again, I can say that Karma is most definitely a bitch, but she sure is a pretty one. ;D

Monday, August 16, 2010


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Concert Adventure.

Candice and I before the show.
My friend Candice and I went to the Framing Hanley concert last night at Headliners. The Venue was horrible un-air conditioned and i could have lived without a few of the bands i saw last night, but all in all it was an amazing night. I mean, who doesn't love standing in a heated room for 5 hours listening to rock-scream? Well, me, actually. I'm not a fan of the 'rock-scream'(you know, where they just scream hoarsely into the mic and you cant understand what they're trying to say?) or extreme temperatures. BUT it was worth standing in the sweltering heat and being compacted next to gross sweaty bodies.Luckily i remembered to pile on the Deodorant before leaving for the show!

We met some new people- A Kristina, a 14 year old chick who was pretty awesome, she even shares my same dorky love for Degrassi, and her 'bodyguard' for the night, i believe his name was Mike?

We got introduced to new bands such as, Harrowsfield, and there was a band i cant seem to figure out what the name is...weep the belldamn? or something like that. I wish i knew, they were good. And we were lucky enough to see Transmit Now who I had heard a lot of great things about.They were Awesome! Highly recommend their stuff!
Awesome guy from Transmit Now!

 AND I got a guitar pic thrown at me by Brandon from Framing Hanley. Apparently it pays off to get caught taking pictures of him during the show! As I'm taking the picture of him, he chucked the pick straight at me and whacked me right in the was AWESOME!
Until i realized i couldn't find it in the dark. So we waited, then he threw another pick into the crowd (in our vicinity) which made everyone start searching (freaking me out because i didn't want them to find *my* pick.)

I took a picture trying to use the light to find the pick.;P

The 14 yo found it though so when the lights came on and everyone was leaving i was able to say, "Oh yeah, that pick? It was already found.' leaving me ample opportunity to grab *my* pick. It's now hanging on the cork board in my room. Granted, i know its just a pick, and its not the coolest thing in the world, but its pretty damn cool to me.

Nixon from Framing Hanley.
 Later, some Drunkasorous Rex sloshed her fruity alcoholic drink on my head and face, which, in the heat felt nice but was still annoying. I mean, who really wants booze in the face? Luckily her friend took note of my stink eye(or maybe it was because of the guy behind me who yelled at her?) and grabbed her drink from her.

People: if your going to get trashed at a concert, do not go crazy and try to 'rock out' by throwing your hands (and drink) in the air. It makes for very angry neighbors.

And while i don't really see the point in 'moshing' it was fun to watch. And also, the guy behind us(who started out in front of us, he was one of the people we befriended, Mike?) stood in our path so we didn't get mauled by the Moshers. What a gentleman!

After the show my bed decided to nag me till i finally caved and went to sleep, it took the whole next day of recovering for my ears to stop ringing. ;D 

Us after, or, during the show?!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Random boring update.

I don't have much to report. a few minor things: My son will be starting school September 1st. Which is scary, exciting and tear-jerking all at the same time.
My laptop charger broke which was the only thing keeping the poor guy alive. A new battery (which broke in April) is over $170, and a new charger is roughly around $70. either way, its too much for a luxury item right now. So I'm forced to use the main computer which is located in the bedroom. This means that the only time I'm able to use a computer other then checking updates on my phone, i use it at night. and by then I'm too tired to write. Which is depressing.

I recently started re-reading Chapter 1 of my 'baby'. so far I've written about 6 chapters total in that one. but reading it made me really want to get back into writing it. So i might have to suck it up and pull a few late/all nighters just to get in some good writing time.

Hmm...i have a concert to go to next weekend to see a band that has been a huge help with the writing process. Framing Hanley...If you haven't yet listened to this band, i suggest you 'YouTube' them after reading this post. Songs they're popular for...most recently on their new album 'A Promise to Burn'- 'You Stupid Girl', 'Photographs and Gasoline'. From their earlier Album 'The Moment'-'Hear Me Now', and a lil Wayne cover of 'Lollipop'. However, i personally suggest listening to both entire albums. Ok, so enough of me promoting lol. The concert should be a blast since the last time my friend and i tried to see them we made it as they were playing their last song :( luckily they stayed behind and did a signing! So, i suppose I'll throw in some pics from the show next weekend.
Alright, well I'm done rambling on now. Later Blogspotters. ;)