Saturday, August 7, 2010

Random boring update.

I don't have much to report. a few minor things: My son will be starting school September 1st. Which is scary, exciting and tear-jerking all at the same time.
My laptop charger broke which was the only thing keeping the poor guy alive. A new battery (which broke in April) is over $170, and a new charger is roughly around $70. either way, its too much for a luxury item right now. So I'm forced to use the main computer which is located in the bedroom. This means that the only time I'm able to use a computer other then checking updates on my phone, i use it at night. and by then I'm too tired to write. Which is depressing.

I recently started re-reading Chapter 1 of my 'baby'. so far I've written about 6 chapters total in that one. but reading it made me really want to get back into writing it. So i might have to suck it up and pull a few late/all nighters just to get in some good writing time.

Hmm...i have a concert to go to next weekend to see a band that has been a huge help with the writing process. Framing Hanley...If you haven't yet listened to this band, i suggest you 'YouTube' them after reading this post. Songs they're popular for...most recently on their new album 'A Promise to Burn'- 'You Stupid Girl', 'Photographs and Gasoline'. From their earlier Album 'The Moment'-'Hear Me Now', and a lil Wayne cover of 'Lollipop'. However, i personally suggest listening to both entire albums. Ok, so enough of me promoting lol. The concert should be a blast since the last time my friend and i tried to see them we made it as they were playing their last song :( luckily they stayed behind and did a signing! So, i suppose I'll throw in some pics from the show next weekend.
Alright, well I'm done rambling on now. Later Blogspotters. ;)